The Magic of Libraries – Particularly the LOC

Any major writing project – a entire book, a chapter in an edited volume or an article for a popular or academic publication – requires hours of intense thought, planning and research. And perhaps there is no better research resource than a library.


Undoubtedly, one of the major libraries in this country is the Library of Congress (LOC), located in Washington DC. While the craziness of politics may rage in the halls of the United States Capitol building and the offices that American senators and congressmen occupy steps away from this library, the LOC is a quiet, efficient and wonderful home to carefully categorized and stored historical and contemporary gems.

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of speaking at the Library of Congress. I talked about how I had spent hours, days and months trolling through this library while conducting research for my book Word Warrior. As a part of its ongoing Books and Beyond series, the LOC’s Center for the Book sponsored my talk, and it recently posted the video of this event.

Want to see what I had to say?

Click HERE and enjoy!

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